It’s crazy how much hassle it can be if you don’t pick the best web hosting. It can be unreliable, have horrible customer service, be unsecured and not have features you need, which can all pose a serious threat to your PBN websites and your wallet if you’re not careful. Choosing the best PBN web hosting is like buying a car – the only difference is, we’ve already taken the test drive for you and the results are in.
We have thoroughly tested IPNetworx and other PBN hosting providers from the best to the worst. We review them based on our own experience, as both real customers and SEO experts. In our reviews and recommendations we let you know exactly what we like and what we think.
Take a look below at our recommended PBN hosting pick for 2020 – $1 per IP budget friendly offer. This is the top contender when it comes to best and inexpensive PBN solution. We’ve extensively tested them and were amazed by the superb uptime, amazing customer service and the tons features they include for the price. We have to hand it to these guys as they do not mess around with mediocre customer service.